The Communion is a series of mixed-media assemblage created in 2013. This series of work is a retrospective that explores human conditions specifically in the areas of vulnerabilities against the tyranny of ageing, sicknesses and death. I confront, objectify and investigate these emotions and the ambivalences that develop through the series of interpretations.

In the laborious process of reassembling and compartmentalising the fragmented stories told of my ancestors, I navigated through dismembered memories that linger in the subconscious mind; uncovering narratives through journaling and looking into archives of collectibles, personal belongings were investigated and put under introspection. Various image processing methods -drawing, silkscreening, etching on the copper plate and hand sculpting bones out of paper-clay were applied to turn ordinary boxes into an individual “theatre” of its play.

The Communion, 2013, Mixed media assemblage, Variable Dimensions